本指南詳細介紹了Baldur的Gate 3中有效的多類角色構建,將Cloomstalker Ranger和Assassin Rogue子類結合起來,以造成毀滅性的結果。 這種混合動力在遠程和近戰戰鬥中均出色,利用隱形和出色的傷害輸出。
>更新於2024年12月24日更新:> 雖然Larian Studios已確認沒有DLC或續集的BG3,但補丁8(2025)引入了新的子類,開辟了令人興奮的構建可能性。 對於這種遊俠/流氓組合,靈巧性仍然至關重要,但智慧對於遊俠的拚寫至關重要。仔細考慮種族,背景,壯舉和裝備是必不可少的。
>這種構建體現了獵人和刺客的致命混合物,獵人和刺客是熟練的雇傭軍和近戰戰鬥。 近距離或遠程交戰之間的選擇取決於您的特定技能,能力和齒輪選擇。 隱身,手袖子和敏捷能力是基本的共同特征。 根據您的種族選擇和罐頭的不同,包括遊俠咒語,增加了一層戰術多功能性。
- 種族選擇:多元化遊戲風格的各種選項
- 種族 [2
- 能力 Medium
- [2 [2 上級darkvision,卓爾武器訓練,fey祖先,咒語(仙靈之火,黑暗)
- [2 上級darkvision,卓爾武器訓練,fey祖先,咒語(仙靈之火,黑暗)
- [2 改進了隱身,提高運動速度,精靈武器訓練,darkvision,fey Ancestry
精靈武器訓練,民兵 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
民兵壯舉,提高運動速度,更高的承載力 | [2 | 提高了運動速度,咒語(增強的leap,薄霧步),武術 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
上的優勢 | [2 森林 | 與動物交談,改良的隱形 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
深的 |
Background | Skills | Description |
Outlander | Athletics, Survival | Raised outdoors, experienced wilderness traveler. |
Charlatan | Deception, Sleight of Hand | Skilled in deception and trickery. |
Soldier | Athletics, Intimidation | Disciplined soldier, potentially turned smuggler. |
Folk Hero | Animal Handling, Survival | A legendary hero, often gritty and unassuming. |
Urchin | Sleight of Hand, Stealth | Began thieving at a young age. |
Criminal | Deception, Stealth | Skilled in deception and stealth, potentially with a criminal past. |
十二個級別允許六項壯舉。考慮 10/3 或類似的遊俠/盜賊分割。
Feat | Description |
Ability Score Improvement | Increase one ability score by 2 or two by 1. |
Alert | Prevents being surprised, +5 bonus to Initiative. |
Athlete | Dexterity/Strength +1, faster recovery from prone, increased jump distance. |
Crossbow Expert | Removes disadvantage on melee attacks, doubles Gaping Wounds duration (ranged builds). |
Dual Wielder | Use two weapons (non-heavy), +1 to AC. |
Magic Initiate: Cleric | Access to Cleric spells. |
Mobile | +10 movement speed, unaffected by difficult terrain while dashing, avoids Attacks of Opportunity. |
Resilient | Increase one ability score by 1, gain proficiency in that ability's saving throws. |
Spell Sniper | Improved spellcasting range, access to Wisdom/Dexterity-based cantrips. |
- 靈指手套:2 敏捷(半身人/侏儒)。
- 自主頭盔:精通智慧豁免檢定。
- 暗火短弓:火/冷抗性,急速(每次長時間休息一次)。
- 雜技鞋:敏捷豁免和雜技加成。
- 優雅聖衣:2 敏捷,貓的優雅能力。
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