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Master Monster Hunter Rise: Great Sword Guide

Authore: MiaUpdate:Mar 14,2025

The *Monster Hunter* series is renowned for its diverse weapon selection, and the Great Sword in *Monster Hunter Wilds* is a prime example of devastating power. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to wield this behemoth effectively.

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The Great Sword, a heavy hitter, prioritizes raw damage over speed. A single well-timed swing can inflict immense damage, but mastering its nuances is key. Future upgrades will enhance its power and elemental capabilities.

All Great Sword Moves

Triangle/YOverhead SlashA quick overhead attack. Chainable into charged attacks.
Holding Triangle/YCharge/Charged SlashA powerful slashing attack; damage increases with charge time.
Holding Triangle/Y + Circle/BTackleA rising slash that can interrupt monster attacks. A perfectly timed release stuns the monster, allowing a follow-up Cross Slash (Triangle/Y).
Circle/BWide SlashA wide-ranging slash. Chainable after a Tackle (Leaping Wide Slash) or Strong Charged Slash (Strong Wide Slash).
Triangle/Y + Circle/BRising SlashReaches high areas on monsters.
Holding Triangle/Y + Circle/BOffset Rising SlashA timed counterattack that stuns monsters upon successful connection, allowing a follow-up Cross Slash (Triangle/Y).
R2/RTGuardBlocks attacks, stamina dependent. Guard direction adjustable in Focus Mode.
R2/RT + Triangle/YKickA kick performed while guarding.
L2/LT + R1/RBFocus Slash/PerforateA powerful sweeping attack, especially effective against wounded areas. Press R1/RB to prematurely end the attack.

Mastering Great Sword Combos

Monster Hunter Wilds Great Sword Combos

Image Source: Capcom via The Escapist

Effective combos significantly increase your damage output. Here are a few to practice:

True Charged Slash Combo

(Triangle/Y x3): Overhead Slash > Strong Charged Slash > True Charged Slash. Charging each attack (holding Triangle/Y) increases damage. Hitting a weak point with the True Charged Slash triggers the more powerful True Charged Slash (Power). A shortcut involves dodging after the initial Overhead Slash, allowing a direct transition to the Strong Charged Slash with Triangle/Y.

Forward Lunging Combo

(Circle/B x3): Wide Slash > Tackle > Leaping Wide Slash. Ideal for covering ground and attacking hard-to-reach areas. Use Focus Mode for optimal weak point targeting.

Stationary Combo

(Circle/B + Triangle/Y x2): Wide Slash > Rising Slash (repeated twice). Best utilized against paralyzed or incapacitated monsters, offering a rapid four-hit combo. Damage output is less than other combos.

Defense and Counterattacks

Monster Hunter Wilds Guard and Counters

Image Source: Capcom via The Escapist

Offset Rising Slash (Counter)

Holding Triangle/Y + Circle/B and releasing just as a monster attacks stuns it, allowing a follow-up Cross Slash (Triangle/Y). Precise timing is crucial.


Holding R2/RT reduces incoming damage at the cost of stamina. A perfectly timed guard (Perfect Guard) negates all damage and may trigger a Power Clash (mash Circle/B to win and stun the monster).

Mastering these techniques will transform you into a Great Sword virtuoso in *Monster Hunter Wilds*. Explore The Escapist for more helpful guides.

Monster Hunter Wilds is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.