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索尼的PlayStation 5:主题上的好消息和坏消息

Authore: Lucy更新日期:Mar 12,2025


In a recent tweet, Sony confirmed that these beloved themes will be unavailable starting tomorrow, January 31, 2025. However, they also confirmed the good news that these nostalgic themes will return at a later date. “Thank you for the fantastic response to the classic PlayStation, PS2, PS3, and PS4 limited-time console themes, which will be leaving tomorrow,” Sony stated. “Due to the positive response on these 4 themes, we're doing some work behind the scenes to bring these special designs back in the months ahead.”

现在,您的PS5的主题使用了以前的PlayStation控制台的图像和声音! pic.twitter.com/5uaweplcwx

- IGN(@ign)2024年12月3日

不幸的是,有一个缺点。在随后的推文中,索尼澄清说,目前尚无计划发布经典游戏机之外的其他主题。 Their statement reads: “While there aren't plans to create additional themes in the future, we're excited to keep celebrating legacy PlayStation hardware with you all.”


These nostalgic themes allowed PS5 users to customize their home screen and menus to resemble the PSOne, PS2, PS3, and PS4, celebrating PlayStation's 30th anniversary on December 3, 2024. The PSOne theme featured the classic console in the background, the PS2 theme incorporated its menu design, the PS3 theme added its signature wave background, and the PS4 theme similarly included its wave patterns.所有主题还包括相应的控制台的标志性声音效果。