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Get your Xbox Ready: The 20 Best Worlds in Minecraft

Authore: CamilaUpdate:Mar 17,2025

Embark on an epic Minecraft adventure with these top 20 Xbox One Edition seeds! Discover breathtaking landscapes and convenient resource-rich locations, perfect for building your dream base. These seeds work across Xbox One, Xbox 360, and mobile versions.

Table of Contents

  1. 1816648670920646980
  2. -1283120822
  3. -1759273619
  4. 2033516050
  5. 68488632267890
  6. -714082416
  7. -322003417
  8. -612235732
  9. -2075578213
  10. 1087404325
  11. 2625094755235955149
  12. -4836534706661314810
  13. 5603243610516950345
  14. -378299623338709767
  15. 6658650853035838587
  16. -5148958870720495301
  17. 6942694259176815774
  18. 5604536942354129104
  19. -6260761228952867864
  20. 6042315236567296694

Comment on this 1816648670920646980

Image: rockpapershotgun.com
Spawn into a vibrant cherry grove in Minecraft 1.21! Build a stunning Japanese-style home amidst the blossoms, and conveniently access a nearby plains village for trading.
Image: rockpapershotgun.com
-1283120822: Conquer a majestic icy mountain range, perfect for building a castle! Explore hidden caves and surrounding jungles and forests in this Bedrock Edition world.
Image: rockpapershotgun.com
-1759273619: Begin your adventure at the edge of a swamp, with a mysteriously floating stone slab nearby! Conveniently gather coal and iron ore from this coastal Bedrock Edition wonder.
Image: rockpapershotgun.com
2033516050: Discover a massive ice mountain and a hidden mansion nestled in a nearby forest—the perfect combination for adventure and a cozy home base.
Image: rockpapershotgun.com
68488632267890: Explore the unique Pale Gardens biome in Bedrock 1.21.51! This seed features a stunning mountain range, a river basin, and an oak island, offering a breathtaking contrast of colors and resources.
Image: beebom.com
-714082416: Discover a massive, handcrafted Nether portal with enchanted items and a hidden jungle temple nearby!
Image: beebom.com
-322003417: Strategically push mobs into lava to conquer an outpost, then explore a crevice for diamonds! Remember your bucket of water!
Image: beebom.com
-612235732: A settlement built atop a fortress containing an End portal with two Eyes of Ender! A rare and valuable find.
Image: beebom.com
-2075578213: Discover an amazing floating temple with incredible treasures!
Image: beebom.com
1087404325: Explore both the End and the Nether simultaneously! This seed features an End portal with two Eyes of Ender.
Image: twinfinite.net
2625094755235955149: Journey through a mysterious tunnel leading to deep underground ruins—but beware the monsters!
Image: twinfinite.net
-4836534706661314810: Find an outpost, village, ruined portal, and igloo all located on elevated terrain—a truly unique combination!
Image: twinfinite.net
5603243610516950345: Build your fortress on a giant mushroom island with no hostile mob spawns!
Image: twinfinite.net
-378299623338709767: Create an epic underground base in a spacious cave with unique tall columns!
Image: twinfinite.net
6658650853035838587: Discover a stunning woodland mansion located on a large island in a jungle biome!
Image: whatifgaming.com
-5148958870720495301: Explore diverse biomes, from deserts to swamps, and discover ancient temples, villages, and more!
Image: whatifgaming.com
6942694259176815774: Start your adventure on an amazing island with plains, forests, and hidden treasures, including a unique linear mushroom island!
Image: whatifgaming.com
5604536942354129104: Live at the foot of mountains in a plains biome with nearby forests and over six hidden treasures!
Image: whatifgaming.com
-6260761228952867864: Spawn on a cherry grove island in a plains valley, with five nearby ruins, a village, and a pillager outpost!
Image: whatifgaming.com
6042315236567296694: Explore a taiga biome, a nearby village, a shipwreck, and one of Minecraft's largest mushroom islands!

These seeds offer countless possibilities for your Minecraft journey. Choose your favorite and start building your unforgettable story!