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Pokémon Go Fashion Week Returns!

Authore: SkylarUpdate:Feb 02,2025

Pokémon Go's Fashion Week Returns: Double Stardust, Shiny Pokémon, and More!

Get ready to strut your stuff in Pokémon Go! Fashion Week is back, bringing stylish Pokémon, boosted rewards, and exciting challenges from January 10th to 19th. This year's event promises even more reasons to explore your neighborhood.

Catch Pokémon to earn double Stardust, and Trainers level 31 and above will enjoy increased Candy XL chances. Shiny hunters will have a heightened chance of encountering Shiny Kirlia and other event-themed Pokémon in the wild, via Field Research, and in raids.

New costumed Pokémon are making their debut, including the fashionably attired Minccino and Cinccino. Keep an eye out for a Shiny Minccino! Wild encounters will feature costumed Diglett, Blitzle, Furfrou, and Kirlia.

ytRaids add another layer of excitement, with stylish Shinx and Dragonite appearing. One-star raids include Shinx, Minccino, and Furfrou, while three-star raids feature Butterfree and Dragonite. Shiny versions of all these Pokémon are possible, making both wild encounters and raids worthwhile.

Don't miss out on free in-game items using available Pokémon Go codes!

For a premium experience, a $5 Timed Research offers Stardust, XP, and encounters with event Pokémon, plus an exclusive avatar pose. Additional avatar items are available in the shop. Collection Challenges provide extra opportunities to test your skills.

Download Pokémon Go for free and get ready to hit the streets! You can also visit the Pokémon Go Web Store to prepare with additional resources.

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