This guide explores the multifaceted Campfire block in Minecraft (added in version 1.14), detailing its uses and, importantly, how to extinguish it. Beyond its decorative appeal, the Campfire offers functionalities including mob damage, smoke signaling, cooking, and bee calming.
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Extinguishing a Campfire
Three methods exist for extinguishing a Campfire in Minecraft:
- Water Bucket: The simplest method involves using a water bucket to douse the flames. Simply pour water onto the Campfire block.
- Splash Water Potion: A more resource-intensive approach utilizes a Splash Water Potion. Throw the potion onto the Campfire to extinguish it (requires gunpowder and glass).
- Shovel: The most economical and often overlooked method is using a shovel. Right-click (or use the left trigger on consoles) the Campfire with any shovel to extinguish it.
Obtaining a Campfire
Acquiring a Campfire can be achieved through these methods:
- Natural Generation: Campfires naturally spawn in Taiga and Snowy Taiga villages, and within camps located in Ancient Cities. Note: Harvesting a pre-placed Campfire requires a tool enchanted with Silk Touch; otherwise, only coal will drop (two in Java Edition, four in Bedrock Edition).
- Crafting: A Campfire is readily crafted using sticks, wood, and either charcoal or soul sand. The latter ingredient determines whether a regular or soul fire Campfire is created.
- Trading: Apprentice-level fishermen will trade Campfires for emeralds (five in Bedrock Edition, two in Java Edition).