Vaults are back in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 2: Lawless, but cracking them open is tougher than ever. Luckily, Epic Games has provided the perfect tool for aspiring heist artists: Thermite. Here's your guide to finding and using it.
Navigating the new season's loot pool can be tricky, but Thermite is surprisingly easy to find. It's available as floor loot, in chests, at Black Markets and Outlaw Vending Machines (located in Crime City, Seaport City, Lonewolf Lair, and Masked Meadows), and even in Go Bags. Simply pick it up to add it to your inventory.
Adding another item to your loadout might seem daunting, but Thermite is versatile. It's not just a one-trick pony.
Related: All Ways to Open the Vault in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2
Its primary function is, of course, vault breaching. Place it against the vault's front and wait for the explosion. Targeting weak points speeds up the process. Be warned, though – other players will be drawn to the sound of your heist, so be prepared for a fight.
Alternatively, you can throw Thermite as a makeshift explosive. It has a short fuse, but once it detonates, it creates a fiery spectacle, damaging nearby opponents. While not the most powerful explosive in the game, it's a handy tool in a tight spot.
That's how to find and use Thermite in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 2. Want more? Check out the rumored collaborations for this Lawless season.
Fortnite is available on various platforms, including Meta Quest 2 and 3.