Fallout TV Show's Second Season Starts Filming Next MonthFallout S2 Full Cast Yet To Be Confirmed
Fallout S2 is expected to continually explore the narrative around Vault-Tec, as well as the cliffhanger of S1, according to Screen Rant in its report. Apart from Uggams, the full returning cast of the show has not been confirmed yet, but it is assumed that lead actors Ella Purnell (Lucy MacLean) and Walton Goggins (Cooper "The Ghoul" Howard) are reprising their roles. While Uggams did not disclose much regarding next season's plot, she did tease that Betty Pearson, an executive assistant at Vault-Tec, will have some surprises in store for fans. "I am with the Vault People, so I didn’t get to see what the Earth people were doing," Uggams said. "So when it came on, I was blown away. But Betty’s got some things up her sleeve. Just stay tuned."
Moreover, the release date of Fallout S2 has been estimated to premiere sometime around 2026, taking into account post-production editing on top of the filming time period. Though, do note that an official release date has not been announced yet. To provide further context, Fallout S1 was filmed around July 2022 and eventually premiered in April this year.
Fallout S2 Is Bound for New Vegas
你可能会好奇,辐射 S2 会有什么内容?好吧,根据剧集制作人格雷厄姆·瓦格纳的说法,该剧将“前往拉斯维加斯”,此外还提到辐射:新维加斯中的对手罗伯特·豪斯将在下一季中出现。然而,豪斯先生在第二季中出现的程度尚不清楚,但他通过 S1 中的一段闪回镜头被揭示,该镜头显示他与其他避难所科技领导人会面。
瓦格纳和剧集负责人罗伯逊-德沃雷特此前表示,辐射 S2 也会深入挖掘未讲述的故事,并扩展第一季中暗示的关键时刻。特别是,更多关于避难所科技高管和大战的起源,以及闪回和人物发展。