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Discover Exclusive Creator Codes for Clash of Clans (Jan '25)

Authore: CamilaUpdate:Feb 08,2025

Clash of Clans: A Guide to Supporting Your Favorite Creators with Creator Codes

Clash of Clans, a globally popular strategy game, offers a unique way for players to show their appreciation for their favorite content creators: creator codes. By using these codes when making in-game purchases, you directly support the creators who provide valuable strategic advice, base designs, and gameplay tips. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a fresh recruit, leveraging creator codes is a simple way to give back to the community.

Updated January 5, 2025: This guide is regularly updated to ensure you have access to the latest creator codes. Check back often for additions!

List of Clash of Clans Creator Codes

The following table lists available creator codes. Select the code that corresponds to your preferred creator:

Creator Nickname Code
Akari Gaming akari
Alvaro845 alvaro845
Anikilo anikilo
Anon Moose zmot
Ark ark
Artube Clash artube
Ash (CWA) cwa
Ash Brawl Stars ashbs
AshJer aj
Ashtax ashtax
AuRuM TV aurum
Axael TV axael
BangSkot bangskot
Beaker's Lab beak
BenTimm1 bt1
Big Vale bigvale
BigSpin bigspin
Boss LA lazer
B-rad brad
Brawlify brawlify
BroCast brocast
Bruna7Cr bruna7cr
Bruno Clash brunoclash
Bucanero bucanero
Captain Ben cptnben
CarbonFin Gaming carbonfin
Chief Pat pat
ChiefAvalon eSports... chiefavalon
Clash Bashing bash
Clash Champs clash champs
Clash com Nery nery
Clash King clashking
Clash of Stats cos
Clash Royale Dicas clashdicas
Clash with Eric - OneHive eric
Clash Ninja ninja
Clashing N Games cng
ClashPlayhouse avi
ClashSpot clashspot
ClashTrack clashtrack
CLASHwithSHANE shane
Coach Cory cory
Coco coco
CorruptYT corrupt
CosmicDuo cosmic
DarkBarbarian wikibarbar
Deck Shop deckshop
Decow do Canal decow
Doluk doluk
ECHO Gaming echo
Elchiki elchiki
Emre Kara emre
eVe MAXI maxi
Ewelina ewe
Ferre ferre
Fluxxy fluxxy
FullFrontage fullfrontage
Galadon Gaming galadon
GizmoSpike gizmo
Godson-Gaming godson
gouloulou gouloulou
Grax grax
Havoc Gaming havoc
Hey! Brother heybrother
iTzu itzu
Jaso jaso
Jo Jonas jojonas
Joe McDonalds joe
Judo Sloth Gaming judo
JUNE june
KairosTime Gaming kairos
Ken ken
Kenny Jo clashjo
Klaus Gaming klaus
Lex lex
Lukas - Brawl Stars lukas
M1CHA3L michael
Malcaide malcaide
Maomix maomix
MarkoKC markokc
Mautic mautic
Menerv menerv
MICHELINDA GAME michelindagame
MOLT molt
mortenroyale morten
MrMobilefanboy mbf
nana nana
nat ♡ nat
Noobs iMTV noobs
NotErikuh erikuh
NyteOwl owl
OG og
OOfro oofro
Optimus Prime optimus
Orange Juice Gaming oj
Ouah Leouff ouah
Oynamak Lazım omer
Oyun Gemisi oyungemisi
Panda Casts pan
Pioupiou pioupiou
PitBullFera pitbullfera
Pixel Crux crux
puuki puuki
R S CLASH rsclash
R3DKNIGHT r3dknight
Radical Rosh radical
Rey rey
Romain Dot Live romain
RoyaleAPI royaleapi
Rozetmen rozetmen
SHELBI shelbi
Sidekick sidekick
Sir Moose Gaming moose
SirTagCR sirtag
SkullCrusher Boom Beach skullcrusher
sokingrcq soking
spAnser spanser
Spartafail spartafail
Srta Maverick mave
Stats Royale stats
Stormm stormm
Sumit 007 sumit007
Surgical Goblin surgicalgoblin
Suzie suzie
The Chicken 2 chicken
Trymacs trymacs
Tryso tryso
Turtle turtle
TwentyFour Bytes twenty
Vinhô vinho
Well Played cauemp
WithZack withzack
Yde yde
YoSoyRick yosoyrick
Zolokotroko TOP zoloko
Zsomac zsomac

How to Redeem Creator Codes

Redeeming codes is quick and easy:

  1. Navigate to the Clash of Clans home screen.
  2. Locate and tap the settings gear icon (usually in the upper right corner).
  3. In the settings menu, find and select "More Settings" (often located near the bottom).
  4. Scroll down to the "Creator Boost" section.
  5. Tap "Enter Code."
  6. Enter your chosen creator code into the input field.
  7. Tap "Send Code" to confirm.

You can change your supported creator at any time by repeating these steps. Support your favorite Clash of Clans creators today!