Uncover a Hidden Romance in Baldur's Gate 3: Naoise Nallinto
While Baldur's Gate 3 boasts many well-known romance options, a secret encounter with Naoise Nallinto awaits those who venture off the beaten path. This guide reveals how to find and romance this intriguing character at Sharess' Caress.
Locating Naoise Nallinto
This fleeting romance unfolds in Act III. After reaching Wyrm's Crossing on your journey to Baldur's Gate, you'll need to visit Sharess' Caress, a brothel located east of the bridge leading into the city. If you've already explored Wyrm's Crossing, use the South Span fast-travel point for quick access.
Within Sharess' Caress, the key is the Nymph's Grotto. This chamber is on the second floor, identifiable by a green light and ivy beside the door. The door is locked, requiring a lockpicking skill check of 10 or higher.
Initiating the Romance
Inside, you'll find Naoise with Jara, a Flaming Heart soldier. Interrupting their intimate moment will trigger a confrontation. Choose your dialogue carefully. The following options worked in one playthrough:
- "Whoever you think I am, you're mistaken." (This response is crucial to triggering the following events)
Defeat the mind flayer Jara transforms into. Afterwards, Naoise reveals her attraction to mind flayers. Continue the conversation with these options (or similar choices that express intrigue rather than judgment):
- "Your client is dead. I thought you'd be more upset."
- "What did you have in mind?"
- "Close your eyes and listen."
This leads to a unique mental romance scene. Naoise will ask you to choose what you "will be," offering several options: Revered, Contented, Powerful, Rich, or "I think we're done here." The choice influences the scene's outcome. Choosing "Contented" worked in one playthrough.
This encounter is singular; subsequent visits will yield no further romance. Note that even if your character is already in a relationship (as was the case with Karlach in one playthrough), this doesn't seem to affect the other companions. Shadowheart will grant you the "Carnal Rituals of Sharess" inspiration point after the encounter. The reward for this unique romance is the Rapture boon, granting a passive 1d6 bonus to various ability checks.