On February 24, we reported that Assassin's Creed Shadows had leaked online, with numerous individuals streaming the game a full month before its scheduled release on March 20. Over the weekend, as noted by the GamingLeaksandRumours subreddit , now-deleted social media posts revealed that physical copies of the game were being sold prematurely, and several streams of the unreleased title surfaced on platforms such as Twitch.
Ubisoft说:“泄漏是不幸的,可以减少球员的兴奋。”他们敦促社区避免破坏他人的经历,并向已经采取措施预防破坏者的球迷表示感谢。 “留在阴影中,避免剧透,并密切关注我们的频道,在接下来的几周内为更多的官方惊喜!3月20日将很快到达这里!”
刺客的信条阴影原定于11月发布,但Ubisoft首先将其推迟到2月14日,然后推迟到3月20日的当前发行日期。在其他最近发行的销售中,投资者的反对性,Ubisoft ubisoft依靠刺客的Creed Shadows来实现强劲的表现。