>  訊息 >  Vanguard排名顯示:終極


Authore: Noah更新:Feb 06,2025

>深入Horizo​​n Walker世界,這是一個令人著迷的基於新的回合RPG的世界,其獨特的角色是受韓國Manhwa啟發的獨特角色。 參與史詩般的任務,主要的戰略戰鬥序列和征服各種遊戲模式,以增強角色的力量。 該層列表突出顯示了頂級的先鋒角色,該角色有助於大大提高您的遊戲玩法。

尋求最強大的先鋒隊?您來對地方了! 下麵,我們提供了一係列定義的先鋒,可以加強您的團隊。


name rarity faction
” Lisandria,是人类派系的SS-Rarity Vanguard,是人类的SS-Rarity Vanguard,是一种强大的力量。她的第一个积极能力旋转斜线,释放了毁灭性的佩剑攻击,造成与近战相当的伤害。 她的第二个能力,即未知的剑,传给了神圣的能量,赋予了她的盾牌,等同于她的魔术攻击,以及未知效果的剑。


Horizon Walker Tier List for the Strongest VanguardsLisandria, an SS-rarity Vanguard from the Human faction, is a formidable force. Her first active ability, Spinning Slash, unleashes a devastating sabre attack, dealing damage equal to her melee attack. Her second ability, Sword of the Unknown, channels divine energy, granting her a shield equivalent to her magic attack for three rounds, along with the Sword of the Unknown effect.
Horizon Walker Tier List for the Strongest VanguardsLisandria, an SS-rarity Vanguard from the Human faction, is a formidable force. Her first active ability, Spinning Slash, unleashes a devastating sabre attack, dealing damage equal to her melee attack. Her second ability, Sword of the Unknown, channels divine energy, granting her a shield equivalent to her magic attack for three rounds, along with the Sword of the Unknown effect.

Enhance your Horizon Walker experience by playing on a larger screen using BlueStacks. Enjoy superior gameplay with keyboard and mouse controls on your PC or laptop.

Enhance your Horizon Walker experience by playing on a larger screen using BlueStacks. Enjoy superior gameplay with keyboard and mouse controls on your PC or laptop.<🎜> <🎜>
rarity <🎜> faction
” Lisandria,是人類派係的SS-Rarity Vanguard,是人類的SS-Rarity Vanguard,是一種強大的力量。她的第一個積極能力旋轉斜線,釋放了毀滅性的佩劍攻擊,造成與近戰相當的傷害。 她的第二個能力,即未知的劍,傳給了神聖的能量,賦予了她的盾牌,等同於她的魔術攻擊,以及未知效果的劍。
Horizon Walker Tier List for the Strongest VanguardsLisandria, an SS-rarity Vanguard from the Human faction, is a formidable force. Her first active ability, Spinning Slash, unleashes a devastating sabre attack, dealing damage equal to her melee attack. Her second ability, Sword of the Unknown, channels divine energy, granting her a shield equivalent to her magic attack for three rounds, along with the Sword of the Unknown effect. Enhance your Horizon Walker experience by playing on a larger screen using BlueStacks. Enjoy superior gameplay with keyboard and mouse controls on your PC or laptop. >通過使用Bluestack在更大的屏幕上玩耍來增強您的視野沃克體驗。在PC或筆記本電腦上享受具有鍵盤和鼠標控件的優越遊戲玩法。>