Squid Game: Unleashed, the upcoming adaptation exclusive to Netflix Games, now has a release date
It debuts alongside a new trailer showing off the gory carnage that you can expect
Squid Game: Unleashed drops for iOS and Android on December 17th
When it comes to adapting their most famous original series, Netflix has been a little hit or miss. Sure, there are pixel-art adventures like Stranger Things, but I'm not sure how well Too Hot to Handle is doing with the kind of people who find dating shows fascinating, no offence. But for those looking for a bit more action and violence, the reveal that Squid Game: Unleashed is set to hit Netflix on December 17th will be a welcome one!
《Squid Game: Unleashed》讓你與你的朋友和陌生人對抗,將你帶入標誌性的、令人毛骨悚然的死亡競賽中,儘管這次的外表更加有趣。這是好是壞取決於你對這部劇的看法,但它肯定會利用黃敦赫熱門劇集的受歡迎程度。
帶你穿越劇中的標誌性場景,以及一些新場景另外,《魷魚遊戲:釋放》可能是 Netflix 一直在等待的大熱門。該劇將於 12 月 26 日第二季播出前推出,您現在就可以預先註冊 Squid Game: Unleashed!
對於一部關於人的非人化和剝削的節目的諷刺,絕對有話要說。他們的娛樂死亡變成了多人戰鬥。但同時,從純粹超然的角度來看,這是有道理的,而且 Netflix 似乎終於意識到,吸引專門的多人遊戲觀眾可以讓粉絲回歸他們的服務,即使他們拒絕一些串流媒體內容。
不過,在您等待的同時,為什麼不看看其他一些新版本呢?我們自己的傑克·布拉塞爾 (Jack Brassel) 對《蜂蜜樹林》(Honey Grove) 給予了熱烈的評價,這是一款輕鬆的園藝模擬遊戲。