在Jujutsu Odyssey中掌握詛咒技術:綜合指南
jujutsu Odyssey 中的被詛咒的技術是改變遊戲規則的能力,會對戰鬥策略產生重大影響。 這些強大的技術為各種遊戲風格提供了獨特的技能,增強了力量並提供戰略優勢。 本指南提供了每種技術的分層列表和詳細的細分,可幫助您統治戰鬥。
- Jujutsu Odyssey詛咒技術層列表
- S層被詛咒的技術
- A-Tier詛咒技術
- B層被詛咒的技術
- C層詛咒技術
Tier | Cursed Technique | ||||||||||
S | Shrine (Sukuna Vessel), Limitless, Disaster Flame | ||||||||||
| Boogie Woogie | ||||||||||
[🎜]B[🎜] | Cursed Speech | ||||||||||
[🎜]C[🎜] | Soul Guitar, Cloning |
神社和無限無疑是頂級能力,在權力和多功能性方麵表現出色。 災難由於其巨大的破壞性能力,也占有很高的排名。 如果這些不可用, Boogie Woogie 和被詛咒的語音提供了強烈的替代方案。
Cursed Technique | Ability | ||||||||
| • Dismantle: Devastating slashes. • Reaper’s Retreat: Swift dash back with a forward slash. • Demon’s Wrath: Grab, slam, and hurl enemies. • Cleave: Powerful wide-reaching slash hitting multiple targets. • Crimson Web: Ground-based slash web ensnaring enemies. • Ascendant Slash 1: Sends opponents flying upward. • Abyssal Firebolt: Fiery cursed energy arrow. • AWAKENING: Enchain: Massive power increase, damage reduction, and cursed energy boost. Basic attacks become traveling slashes. • Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine: Barrierless domain with devastating, wide-area slashes. | ||||||||
[🎜]Limitless[🎜] | • Lapse Blue: Magnetic force pulling objects and targets. • Infinity: Impenetrable barrier rendering the user untouchable. • Maximum Output: Blue: Concentrated cursed energy amplifying Blue's pulling force. • Reversal Red: Repelling force pushing everything away. • Maximum Output: Red: Intensified Reversal: Red with an enormous repelling shockwave. • I Understand It Now: Teleport behind the target and unleash Reversal Red. • Imaginary Technique: Purple: Fusion of Blue and Red creating a destructive projectile. • Hollow Purple: Devastating fusion of Blue and Red forming a massive energy sphere. • Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void: Boundless space immobilizing targets with infinite stimuli. | ||||||||
[🎜]Disaster Flame[🎜] | • Volcanic Eruption: Erupts a volcano blasting enemies upward. • Hellfire Beam: Concentrated beam of molten fire. • Molten Rainfall: Leaping flames creating a molten lava pool. • Infernal Grasp: Massive fiery hand from the ground causing a powerful explosion. • Blazing Skull Eruption: Engulfs the victim's head in flames before a fiery explosion. • Domain Expansion: Coffin of the Iron Mountain: Molten volcanic landscape unleashing unavoidable fire attacks. • Hellfire Incarnate – [Awakening]: Engulfment in flames causing burn damage to attackers and boosting cursed energy. |
詛咒的技術 | |
•拍手:即時與盟友或敵人交換。 •升級 - 拍手II:Boogie Woogie的範圍增加。 •傳送的石頭罷工:扔岩石,傳送並發出滴球。 •Boogie Mark:標記盟友或敵人,用於拍手交換。 •升級 - Boogie Mark II:同時標記兩個人進行位置交換。 •欺騙性的suplex:拍手,在被擊中後傳送,並提供強大的大滿貫。 •迴聲攻擊:傳送爆炸。 •精神分裂症超負荷 - [覺醒]:召喚高達的塔卡達,以提升和增加Boogie Woogie範圍。
詛咒技術 |
cursed cursed cursed語音 | |
c層被詛咒的技術 | |
能力 |
Syrup•諧振碎片:被詛咒的能量破壞和驚人的敵人的衝擊波。 •功率即興演奏:為毀滅性的諧振碎片增強能量。 Trello<🎵><🎵><🎵> <🎵> <🎵>克隆<🎵> <🎵> <🎵> <🎵>•技術:克隆:創建一個戰鬥克隆。克隆持續時間隨著精通而增加。 •被動 - 克隆II:同時兩個主動克隆。 •榮耀的燃燒:克隆在強大的攻擊中自我毀滅。 <🎵><🎵><🎵><🎵><🎵><🎵><🎵> <🎵> <🎵>以獲取更多信息和社區參與,請訪問