>  訊息 >  印第安納瓊斯拚圖指南揭幕了


Authore: Alexis更新:Feb 19,2025

掌握印第安納·瓊斯(Indiana Jones)和《大圈子:綜合指南》中的認罪謎題源

本指南詳細介紹了 印第安納·瓊斯(Indiana Jones)和《大圈子》(Great Circle) 的梵蒂岡(Vatican)部分中複雜的坦白難題的解決方案,從而解開了巨人的秘密。記住為冒險點拍攝所有銘文和圖像!



The entrance to the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


1。從建築區域附近的胸部檢索噴泉鑰匙。 2。使用鑰匙訪問儲藏室,然後使用鞭子到達屋頂。 3。搖擺到第一個龍雕像。忽略它,然後擺動到第二。 4。抓住龍爪,用杠杆旋轉雕像以麵對同行。 5。回到第一個雕像;它的爪子缺失。 6。拚圖取回倒下的爪子。與吉娜·倫巴第(Gina Lombardi)的過場動畫將隨後發生。 7。返回雕像,放置爪子,然後旋轉彼此麵對。下麵的噴泉雕像將旋轉。

The fountain key needed to proceed in the Fountain of Confessions puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circleimgp%The Dragon Statue that is a part of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great CircleimgpThe missing Dragon Claw that is a part of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


1。用鞭子拉出噴泉雕像,露出一個被三個雕像和一個杠杆擋住的門。 2。Indy和Gina將一起激活杠杆,揭示第一個牆壁難題(洗禮場景)。 3。將較大的男性雕像放在水桶下。用鞭子激活水機構。 4.將濕雕像推向較小的雕像以“洗禮”,拆下左雕像阻塞了大門。

Indiana Jones using his whip to reveal the next step in the Fountain of Confession puzzle in The Great Circleimgp%The blocked gate at the center of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great CircleimgpIndy and Gina pulling the lever that is a part of the Fountain of Confession puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

5。重新激活杠杆以揭示第二個難題(天使路徑)。 6。使用手柄操縱石路層,將天使引導到牆壁的右側。這消除了其餘的左雕像。

One part of the Fountain of Confession puzzle solution in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


1。將中央雕像推開現在開放的門。 2。訪問揭示的螺旋樓梯進行。

One part of the Fountain of Confession puzzle solution in Indiana Jones and the Great Circleimgp%

恭喜!您已經解決了認罪難題的噴泉。 Indiana Jones和The Great Circle現已在PC和Xbox上找到。